Expert panel to govt: Consider hospitalisation, not +vity to decide Covid restrictions | Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: The state’s expert committee on Covid-19 recommended to the government on Saturday to consider the number of hospitalisations rather than the state’s positivity rate as the criterion for determining the severity of restrictions to be imposed.
The committee recommended to the government to impose restrictions of 50% on gatherings once hospitalisations at the only Covid hospital presently functional, GMC’s super-specialty block, crosses 10%.
Member Dr Shekhar Salkar said that the committee has recommended further restrictions — stopping restaurants, bars and theatres completely, if admissions at the SSB cross 40%.
“If admissions go beyond 50% at SSB, the district hospitals will start admitting patients. If the district hospitals cross 50% capacity, then the highest restrictions (may) be imposed by the state in terms of curfew or lockdown,” he said. tnn
Once the two hospitals touch 50% capacity, the sub-district hospitals will be opened for Covid patients.
Presently, 10% of the beds at GMC’s SSB are occupied.
“Positivity rate doesn’t hold in this situation,” Salkar said. “This wave is not like the last wave. Admissions are very few compared to the second wave. Just because the positivity rate is high, there’s no need for heavy restrictions, as 90% don’t require admission. We need implementation of Covid-appropriate behaviour,” he said.
The committee expects the peak in 10-15 days, and expects cases to be more than three times that of the last wave. Most of the deaths so far have been seen in patients who were very old, and had multiple comorbidities.
The Omicron variant is yet to get a foothold in the state, with estimates suggesting that 50% of the current cases are still of the delta variant.
Another expert committee member said that since most cases are very mild and that admissions are very few, with a rate of 0.5%, it was decided to impose this new criteria for deciding on restrictions to protect the economy.
The committee felt that the graded approach worked out last time wasn’t sensible enough in the current scenario, where the government was advised to close all tourism activity if the positivity rate crossed 10%.
The meeting comes after the high court of Bombay at Goa on Thursday asked the state government to submit all the recommendations of the expert committee and task force, and place on record the steps taken by the government in preparation of the third wave, by January 12.
In court, it was pointed out that the expert committee’s own recommendations submitted to the high court last year weren’t being followed.
According to the 8th expert committee meeting on August 27, where it decided on a graded approach to tourism, it was decided by the committee that if the positivity rate was more than 10% and active cases above 5,000, “tourism activities to be shut”.
The minutes were submitted to the high court last year.
The expert committee had stated that if the positivity rate crossed 5% and active cases crossed 2,500, all schools should be closed, border testing be started, functions restricted to 50 in closed halls and 100 in open spaces, no major religious functions/gatherings be permitted, restaurants to be restricted to 50% capacity with strict Covid-appropriate behaviour, and business establishments where public gatherings take place to be shut.
In the case of a positive rate more than 10% and active cases of 5,000 and above, tourism activities, theatres, gyms, swimming pools and shopping malls were to be shut, with transport functioning at 50% capacity.
The committee also had said that if the positivity rate was over 20% and active cases above 10,000, maximum restrictions be imposed on entry to the state, along with total curfew, with only essential services permitted.
