Question-answer between Shri Krishna’s father Vasudev and Narad Muni: It is not necessary to have power or money for social service

16 minutes agoAuthor: Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta

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Story – A satsang was going on between Lord Krishna’s father Vasudeva and Narada Muni. When Vasudev ji asked some questions, Narad ji narrated a story in response.

Rishabh Dev had nine sons, who are known as the nine Yogishvaras. Rishabhji was the son of King Priyavrata. By the way, Rishabh Dev had a hundred sons, among them the name of the eldest son was Bharata. The name of our country Bharatvarsh is named after him. Earlier India was known as Ajnabhavarsha.

After Bharat, the son of Rishabh Dev, out of 99 sons, 9 sons were established in 9 islands and 81 sons became Brahmins, the creators of rituals. The remaining 9 sons became ascetics and started distributing knowledge to the whole world. Their names were Kavi, Hari, Space, Prabuddha, Piplayana, Avirhotra, Drumil, Chamas and Karbhajan.

The only task of these 9 sanyasi sons was to roam from place to place and find solutions to the problems of people’s lives. All these were the king’s sons and when someone asks them that you are all the king’s sons, you can rule like your other brothers if you want. Why do you wander from forest to forest giving discourses, explaining to people, you yourself do penance.’

All the 9 sons used to say in response to these questions, ‘The king also removes the sorrows of others and we also remove them. The king gives material happiness and removes material sorrow. We are Yogiswar, who gives spiritual happiness to people and removes their mental misery. This is also a huge task.

Lesson – To perform duty, to do social service, we have power, wealth, it is not necessary. The service can be done at any level. Everyone can do service work.

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