IT professionals relaunch after long gaps | Vadodara News – Times of India

Leading IT company in city is helping these professionals get jobs

Vadodara: The ‘work from home’ system adopted by IT companies has brought out these women from long breaks that they took to take care of their families. They have reinvigorated their skills to match pace with the fast-paced technology sector.
A group of women who are based in different states across the country, aged between 34 and 45 years, are now taking up IT jobs after a gap of several years including some who had returned after almost a decade.
Kiran Issrani (45), who belongs to Vadodara and had started her career in the city, had to shift to Mumbai with her husband nine years ago. She had a 1.5-year-old son at that time and could not start working in Mumbai again. “We had no relatives in Mumbai and one of us had to take care of our son. I decided to do so and never returned to work till I came to know of a programme promising relaunch of careers of women like me,” she said.
The initiative was taken by a leading IT company having presence in the US and India. Programme manager Diti Nagarsheth said that leaving jobs due to family was a major reason why the ratio of women on higher positions in IT companies reduced. “The sector is also very fast paced and breaks can lead to one feeling outdated,” Nagarsheth told TOI.
The initiative selected 37 women and offered them extensive training. “My husband motivated me to start working again. I had passed masters in computer application (MCA) in 2009, but never worked as my placement coincided with my marriage. I could not have joined the training and hence had to let go of a good opportunity,” said Priyanka Ajmera (34) from Bikaner. But now Ajmera is set to kick off her first job within a couple of days. “Work from home has really benefited people like us. It gave us a chance to start our careers again which may not be possible if we are supposed to go to offices,” she said.
“Having brushed my skills and got insight into various aspects of life apart from technical training. Knowing that I am not at par with others in the field makes me feel motivated and energised,” said Yogita Deshmukh (39) from Vadodara who is a mother of a 13-year-old. She had to quit her job four years ago after suffering a serious leg injury.
Nagarsheth further said that out of the 37 women who were trained, 27 were absorbed in her own company. Three others joined elsewhere, while seven are awaiting placements. “The seven need some more training and we will be filling the gaps to ensure they get jobs,” she added.

