Omicron replacing Delta: Experts are calling it a ‘vaccine’ to end the pandemic; As Omicron spreads, deaths are falling

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  • Omicron Replacing Delta Experts Are Calling It A ‘vaccine’ To End The Pandemic; As Omicron Spreads, Deaths Are Falling

6 hours ago

Omicron has reached 119 countries in the world and is spreading 5 to 7 times faster than Delta.

As the spread of the Omicron variant of the corona increases in the world, the severity of the epidemic is decreasing. In countries where more than 80% of Omicron cases are being received, daily deaths have started declining. America and Britain are prime examples of this. On Monday, the highest ever 14.49 lakh new patients were found in the world and 6,433 deaths occurred. Two months ago, when an average of 7 lakh patients were being received daily, the daily average of deaths was 7,317.

That is, in two months, the daily visits increased by 106%, while the deaths decreased by 12%. Two months ago there was no Omicron, the Delta variant being the dominant one. Now Omicron has reached 119 countries of the world and is spreading 5 to 7 times faster than Delta.

Experts believe that it will replace Delta worldwide in the coming three to four weeks. The trend so far is showing that after that there can be a sharp decline in daily deaths. That is why experts are beginning to believe that now the seriousness of the epidemic is about to end.

Omicron brought the fourth wave to the world; Record 14.49 lakh new patients in a day

8.3 lakhs were found only in the US-UK, where 85% of the cases are coming from Omicron

  • Omicron is spreading in 119 countries of the world. Not a single death from Omicron in 115 countries.
  • 2.89 lakh Omicron cases in the world. Experts are telling that these are only cases found after sequencing. Only 5% of the cases are being sequenced. That is, the actual case can be 20 times this.

Big relief: The number of patients admitted to ICU decreased rapidly

The number of patients receiving daily in America has undoubtedly doubled, but the number of hospitalizations is continuously decreasing. There are 11.8 crore active patients in America. Of these, only 63 thousand are in the hospital. Two months ago, when there were 65 lakh active patients, 78 thousand patients were admitted in the hospital. That is, now those who get infected need less hospital. The same trend is visible in other countries.

Bhaskar Expert-

Do not be afraid of the rapid spread of Omicron, it will end the epidemic – Dr Ram S. Upadhyay, (Former Scientist, British Medical Council)

The Omicron variant cannot stop with the lockdown. This is different from the Delta variant. Delta starts spreading the infection by going to the lungs, while Omicron stops in the trachea to multiply. So the lungs are saved. Another important point is that when Omicron reaches the lungs, it expands 10 times slower than Delta, so the patient does not need oxygen support.

Actually, our trachea contains the ‘mucosal immune system’, which is the center of the immune system. Here an antibody is made, which is called ‘immunoglobulin IgA’. Because this is where Omicron multiplies, the antibodies are immediately activated. Due to this the patients are recovering faster. Simply put, even before the infection starts to take a serious form, antibodies start killing it.

The virus does not get a chance to make seriously ill. But, if someone already has a serious disease, then they can have problems. Omicron is rapidly replacing Delta. Patients are also increasing rapidly, but there is no need to be afraid. Because, as many people as it will spread, they will get natural immunity.

The immunity from infection lasts longer than the immunity of the vaccine, so its rapid spread is not a threat, but a gift from a scientific point of view. This will end the pandemic. Especially for countries like India where more than half of the population has not got the vaccine.

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