Things You Should Know About Pests to Keep Them Away from Home 

Pest prevention starts with understanding their habits and taking action to keep them away. However, there are certain things that you must know about pest infestation before taking measures. What attracts pests to your home? What actions can help eliminate them permanently from your home? In this blog, we will discuss everything important for you to know about insects or bugs that help keep them away from your house. 

Everything You Need to Know About Pests and Insects 

This planet has some weird and wonderful creatures. Some animals and pests do not come in contact with humans whereas some live in and thrive off living in populated cities like Delhi and Mumbai around people. They create a nuisance and make it difficult for the residents to live peacefully. Residents often book professional pest control services, where exterminators take measures to exterminate them. The use of hazardous chemicals even kills insects that are not pests and contributes to the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to understand pests’ behavior/nature and habits for their prevention. 

Here are the most important things that you must know about pests and insects to keep them at bay: 

Not Every Species is a Pest 

Not every animal or insect is a pest. While dealing with insects at home, you must know which are pests and which are not so that you can take the appropriate pest control actions. Some pests are vital for the ecosystem. Hence, they are not pests. For example—bees. Having their nest in your garden can be a nuisance but they are necessary for the environment. This is why it is encouraged to move their nest safely to other locations rather than destroy it. So, when using pest control measures at home, ensure you are not killing any insects that are not classed as a pest. 

Pests are Active Year-Round 

We have often heard that pests enter our homes in particular seasons. Hence, we stay relaxed and avoid taking any precautionary measures. But you should understand that different pests enter your home in different seasons. Due to this your home remains infested by pests. They can stay in our homes throughout the year without even getting noticed. Some even spend the hibernation period in your house. For instance—termites can remain active year-round and eat through all your wooden structure. Apart from termites, spiders, rodents, and lizards are the most year-round active pests. So along with termite control, you should get general pest control services in Mumbai to get rid of these bugs. 

Moisture and Clutter Attract Bugs to Your Home 

Identifying what attracts pests is the best way to keep pests away from your home. Most insects draw towards moisture and clutter. They thrive in dirty areas and stagnant water. Ensure there are no sources of water and food for bugs. For pest prevention, you must:  

  • Get fixed leaky pipes, faucets, and roofs. 
  • Remove everything where water is being stored in your garden. 
  • Deep clean the home. 
  • Regularly dispose of the trash. 
  • Avoid stagnant water. 
  • Trim grass and keep the garden or backyard clean. 

Homemade Remedies are Not as Effective as Chemical Treatments

Natural remedies are good for pest prevention but if you have a severe pest infestation then home remedies are not as effective as chemical pest control. You might have heard about controlling rats, lizards, and termites with homemade solutions, but they have shorter residual effects. You will have to hire a professional pest control company in your city to get rid of bugs. 

Knowing these things is important for every resident of metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. since this helps them keep pest problems at bay. Pests flourish in warmer temperatures and cities are warmer than natural areas due to the urban heat, factories, etc. Hence, you need professional pest control services in Delhi or other urban cities. However, you can still use some pest prevention tips to keep them away from your home. 

How to Keep Pests Away from House 

To have a pest-free environment, it is imperative to learn about the tricks and ways to keep pests away from your house. While some bugs are only a nuisance, some cause severe diseases. Bees, wasps, and spiders can cause painful stings whereas the buzz of flies is annoying. Some pests like mosquitoes and cockroaches can cause diseases and allergies. Hence, pest prevention is imperative. Fortunately, knowing what attracts pests and their needs will help you keep them away from your house. 

Keep your house and yard clean 

Pests thrive in dirty and moist environments. Even microbial organisms like fungi, bacteria, and viruses are the common pests that grow in an untidy house, especially in the bathroom. Therefore, you must keep your home clean and tidy. Make sure your bathroom is clean and dry. Apart from your home, keep your garden free from shrubs. Make sure no tree branches are touching your home or its roof and keep firewood away from your house. Besides, if you have a pool, pond, or fountain in your yard, then clean it often because pests—mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. 

Do not keep fruits and veggies out for long 

Avoid keeping cut and rotten fruit out for long. After having your fruits, put the cut fruits in the fridge. Dispose of all the rotten fruits as this attracts house flies, ants, and cockroaches. 

Dispose of garbage regularly 

Cockroaches, rats, and flies like garbage. They search for food in your dustbin. Do not wait to get the trash bin full as this is a source of food for pests. This leads to rat, cockroach, and ant infestation. And the situation can get worse when you see rotten fruits and food particles spilled in every corner of your house. It is advised to dispose of garbage every single day. If not, make sure to do it on alternative days. 

Use nets on doors and windows 

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your house is using nets on doors and windows. It is effective in preventing cockroaches, mosquitoes, lizards, and ants from entering your house. Use nets on all your windows and doors. This will help in ventilation as you can keep them open even in the evening and night. 

Take professionals’ assistance 

Pest control companies in Delhi and other big cities help you prevent pest infestation. They not only help in exterminating pests but also help you apply the strategies that prevent pest infestation. Hence, you must hire the best pest control company near you in Delhi, Mumbai, or anywhere you live. 

In Conclusion 

Understanding pests’ habits and behavior which we have discussed in this blog will surely help you keep them out of your house. Because this prepares you to act well according to the type of pests that invade your house. Also, you can take precautionary measures to keep pest infestation at bay. And, when nothing works, professionals are always accessible.