7-year-old innocent married to a 28-year-old youth: found playing games on mobile in bride’s makeup; The family members sold it for 4.50 lakhs.

Dholpur5 minutes ago

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In Rajasthan, a 7-year-old girl was bought for Rs 4.50 lakh and married to a 28-year-old man. On getting the information, the police reached the house of the accused built in the fields and found a girl dressed like a bride who was playing games on mobile. The girl had henna on her hands and was wearing anklets. The case pertains to Maniya police station area of ​​Dholpur district.

SP Manoj Kumar told that on Tuesday late evening, Mania police station in-charge Lakhan Singh got information that on May 21, a 7-year-old innocent was married to Bhopal Singh (28), a youth of a family of Virjapura village.

After getting the information of child marriage from the informer, a team was formed and raided under the leadership of CO Deepak Khandelwal. When the police team reached the house built in the farm of the accused, they found a 7-year-old girl wearing jeans and T-shirt playing a game on mobile. The police interrogated her, but she could not tell anything.

Son got married by buying it for Rs 4.50
The SP told that when the police asked the women of the family found in the house about the innocent, at first they told their distant relatives. On not getting a satisfactory answer, the police strictly inquired, then he told that he had bought the girl from a person from another village for Rs 4.50 lakh and got her married to his son.

Police gathering information about human trafficking network
CO Deepak Khandelwal said that cases of horse-trading of women have been coming to the fore in Dholpur district in the past as well. Now the case of child marriage by buying and selling a 7-year-old innocent has come to the fore. The police is probing it.

Who else is involved in the matter is also being ascertained. Suresh Chand, ASI and child welfare officer posted at Maniya police station, has registered a case under human trafficking, child marriage and POCSO Act.

Was murdered 25 years ago over a land dispute
Station in-charge Lakhan Singh said that the accused Mahendra Singh, who bought the minor, is a resident of Kisroli village in Morena district of Madhya Pradesh. 25 years ago, Mahendra and his brother Hakim killed a youth of the family in a land dispute.

After serving the jail sentence in the murder case, the family of the accused settled in Virjapura village of Dhaulpur. When the police raided the house of the accused, the girl and the women of the house were found there. These women claimed to be distant relatives to mislead the police, but when strictly questioned, they confessed to buying and selling the girl.

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