653 solar plants installed in Odisha | Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

BHUBANESWAR: Odisha government has set up 653 solar plants with a total capacity of 6910.69 Kilowatt in the state. The state has installed these plants for solarization of fire stations, panchayat samiti offices, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, Odisha Aadarsha Vidyalayas, health institutions and of mines under the Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC).
The Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (MESS), a state nodal agency under the science and technology department, is working towards use of renewable energy resources in the state.
The state government has reported that expenditure of Rs 17.29 crore has been incurred on solarization of the government institutions like schools, health institutions, fire stations and mines, said new and renewable energy minister RK Singh while replying to a question at the Lok Sabha on Thursday.
According to the official sources, 313 solar plants have been installed for solarisation of fire stations by spending Rs 7.36 crore. It will generate 1727.69 kilowatt of power. Similarly, the government has set up 189 plants for solarisation of panchayat samiti offices in the state with an expenditure of more than Rs 5.78 crore. These 189 plants will create 2,595 kilowatt power.
An amount of Rs 1.54 crore has been spent for installation of 29 solar plants in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas. Government has established 40 plants in Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas, 70 plants in health institutions and 12 plants in OMC mines.
The state government is working on illuminating remote un-electrified villages/hamlets. It has a plan to increase the share of renewable energy to 10 percent of the total power mix.
While large scale solar power generation projects are being installed to achieve the ambitious target of 100 GW of solar power generation by 2022, it has been planned to simultaneously develop decentralized solar energy and other renewable energy generation plants of capacity up to 2 MW, said the government sources.
