60 Nigerian Students Leave Campus In Gurugram: Controversy Over Place To Offer Namaz In University; Cross FIR from both sides

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60 Nigerian students studying in a private university located in Gurugram, Haryana left the university campus. He alleges that the Indian student misbehaved with him while beating him up. However, a cross FIR has also been registered against both the parties at Sohna police station.

It is being told that the whole dispute took place over the place of offering Namaz, after which there was a fight between the two sides in the football field. A Nigerian student says that he is in danger for his life, due to which he is staying in different places in Delhi to save his life. According to the student, he has sought the intervention of the Nigerian Embassy in the matter.

This stated dispute

It is being told that Indian students had objected to Nigerian students offering Namaz on the football ground, after which a dispute arose. Regarding which the protesting students had lodged a complaint with the registrar. The authorities were asked to ensure that Nigerians offer prayers only in their hostel rooms.

However, the police and the university then talked about resolving the matter amicably. However, both the police and the university management said that the football field had nothing to do with the protest against Namaz a month ago.

Controversy over being part of the same team

Nigerian student Khaleel said the controversy erupted on Friday because the university decided to put both Indian and Nigerian students in a team. The student said that our captain spoke with the sports officer and put forth his objections. Later the official decided to cancel the match.

It is alleged that despite this some Indian students entered the ground and before anyone could understand, they beat up. Many outsiders also came with him on that day riding a bike. But that day the matter was resolved by mutual consent.

Nigerian students also accused of attack

Khaleel alleged that a group of Indian students attacked him in the hostel the next day on Saturday. According to the victim, they abused and were threatened with dire consequences. Khalil told that they 63 Nigerian students study in this university. For now, he has left the campus. On the other hand Indian students alleged that they were attacked by a group of Nigerian students. Pharmacy student Sultan Khan alleged that he was roaming around the campus on Saturday. During this 4-5 Nigerians used abusive words.

Indians said – we were attacked

Sultan, an Indian student who lodged a complaint with the police, said that the accused attacked him. When his friends came to my rescue, they were also beaten up with sticks and sticks. Both the parties have lodged complaint against each other at Sohna City Police Station. After which the Sohna police station has registered a cross FIR. A case has been registered under sections 323, 506, 34.

ACP Bid – Argument over the match

Regarding the matter, South ACP Upasana said that there was no major incident. There was an argument between the two sides during the football match. Later the debate turned into a fight. Complaints were received from both the parties, on the basis of which a case has been registered. Simultaneously, CCTV footage is being scrutinized, so that the whole truth can be ascertained.

University claims – no one went

Regarding this matter, it was said on behalf of GD Goenka University that no student has gone out of the campus. Ten students were suspended for their alleged involvement in the uproar during Friday’s match.

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