6-year-old girl dies due to chocolate trap: Mother gave chocolate to send to school, suffocated due to eating including wrapper

Bangalore6 minutes ago

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A touching incident happened in Karnataka on Wednesday. A 6-year-old girl died after consuming chocolates in Bijoor village near Bandur town of Udupi district. The name of the girl who died is Samanvi Pujari. She was a first class student in Vivekananda English Medium School. According to the police, the accident happened when the girl was at her home and was about to board the school bus.

Was not ready to go to school, mother celebrated by giving chocolates
Samanvi was not ready to go to school on Wednesday morning. However, her parents and family members convinced her to go to school. Samanvi’s mother Suprita Pujari also gave her a chocolate to celebrate. Meanwhile the school van arrived. Seeing this, Samanvi ate chocolate along with the wrapper, due to which she fell near the door of the bus.

death before being taken to hospital
According to the police, the family and the driver of the bus tried to bring Samanvi unconscious in a state of unconsciousness. Not only this, he was immediately taken to the nearby hospital, but the doctors declared him dead. Samanvi’s body has been sent for postmortem.

The Bandur police, which is probing the matter, says that the exact cause of death will be known only after the post-mortem report comes. At the same time, the school declared a holiday after the death of Samanvi.

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