6 Chief Ministers will give money to contest elections in Bihar: PK said – supported everyone without taking money, now the same people will see the expenses

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  • Bihar News : Prashant Kishor Said That No One Can Buy Us Enough Power In Anyone’s Pocket, CM Will Bear The Cost Of My Campaign

Patna9 minutes ago

Election strategist-turned-politician Prashant Kishor told that 6 Chief Ministers of the country will bear the expenses of his capping in Bihar. He said that I had put my shoulder to make him the Chief Minister. Didn’t even take money from them. Now only those people will help for my programs in Bihar.

Prashant Kishor is taking out Jan Suraj Yatra. In Hajipur on Friday, he told from where the funding for his programs would be. He said that I have 6 Chief Ministers of the country as sponsors, who will bear my expenses.

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‘Won’t become ‘B’ team of any party’
PK is taking out his ‘Jana Suraj’ journey with full enthusiasm. At the same time, he is also telling the people that he will never work as a ‘B’ team of any party. In his speech, he clearly said that no party has enough money and power to make me a ‘B team’.

Before taking out the Jan Suraj padyatra, Prashant Kishor is busy connecting people on local issues through social media.

PK says that there are many such Chief Ministers in the country, for whom he has laid his shoulder. Never charged any fees from them. So when we have come here to work, they are all there to help. People are asking from where the money will come, so we have said that we are doing a new experiment in Bihar. You help Everyone will help.

PK tells about his strategy that people say that we write very good slogans. If elections were won by writing slogans, then there are many people writing better slogans than us. People are still wondering what we do. Haven’t been able to get mine out yet.

Elections are not won by writing slogans: Prashant Kishor

Elections are not won by writing slogans: Prashant Kishor

He said that we write slogans in the eyes of someone. Do campaigning in the eyes of someone. In the eyes of someone, they tell what clothes the leader has to wear. We don’t do anything, we listen to people and listen to that and extract the essence and create our content from that. That’s why we have never lost elections.

PK is close to 6 Chief Ministers including Nitish Kumar
Prashant Kishor has been associated with 11 elections so far. By campaigning in Bihar, Nitish Kumar has been made the Chief Minister. He then won Telangana Chief Minister KCR and helped bring Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee back to power.

Now it has to be seen that Prashant Kishor is running the campaign in Bihar, how many CMs are with him in it. However, he has not yet clarified that the CMs of which states will help him.

Prashant Kishor is also interacting virtually with the youth of Bihar.  For this, subjects are already mentioned on the Twitter handle of YIP.

Prashant Kishor is also interacting virtually with the youth of Bihar. For this, subjects are already mentioned on the Twitter handle of YIP.

Jan Suraj Padyatra: Will meet 15,000 influencers
Prashant Kishor of West Champaran, the Karma Bhoomi of Mahatma Gandhi, will take out a Jan Suraj Padyatra on October 2. In this padyatra, PK will meet people and listen to their talks and will include them in manifesto at the time of elections in future. According to sources, Prashant Jan Suraj will meet about 15,000 influencers at the district level before the padyatra. These will include businessmen, educationists, social workers and people associated with caste organizations.

Youth Importance Program: Special focus on students
Prashant has started this campaign to help the youth who are suffering due to lack of employment, education and government exams in Bihar on time. In this, PK will go to the universities and colleges of Bihar and meet the students.

More than 3.6 crore voters below 40 years of age
According to the Election Commission’s 2020 report, there are about 4.29 million voters in Bihar below 40 years of age. Of these, there are 71 lakh voters in the age group of 18 to 19 years, 60 lakh voters in the age group of 20 to 29 years and 1 crore 98 lakh voters in the age group of 30 to 39 years. Prashant is trying to woo these voters by attacking Nitish and Lalu together.

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