5 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Kid’s Thumb-Sucking Habits

How to break your child’s thumb sucking habit?

Here are some tips which you should follow to help your children to get rid of their tendency to suck their thumbs.

Many kids have a habit of sucking their thumbs. It is extremely essential to encourage your children to get rid of this habit. While the majority of the children cease doing so on their own, others find it more difficult to stop. But fret not. We have shared some tips which you should follow to help your children to get rid of their habit of sucking their thumb.

Apply something sour on the thumb

This is one of the best ways to encourage children to get rid of sucking their thumb. Applying lemon juice on the child’s thumb will keep them away from the habit. In the case of children who need a quick reminder to keep on track and stay away from this tendency, this method is something that should be followed.

Talk to the child

Some kids simply are not aware that thumb-sucking is a bad practice. Ask your child why they suck their thumb in a curious manner rather than a critical one. In this way, you can have a discussion with your kid about the habit and motivate them to stay away from such activities.

Try to distract them

If your child has a habit of sucking their thumb, then as a parent you must convince them to stop this tendency. Of course, convincing your child can be a daunting task but you can definitely keep them busy throughout the day with productive tasks such as arts, crafts, games, and engaging activities. This will occupy their mind and help them in getting rid of the habit.

Pay attention to diet

Sometimes some children start sucking their thumb when they are hungry. That is why it is necessary to keep a tab on their daily diet. Make sure you feed your child a nutritious meal to break their habit of sucking their thumb.

Observe the timings

If you notice that your child only sucks their thumbs before bed, this might mean that they need another way to relax. Before brushing your teeth at night, think about giving your child a warm cup of milk or a toddler-safe herbal tea. On the other hand, if your kid always puts their thumb in their mouth when they are anxious, look for an alternative coping mechanism to help them to get rid of the habit.

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