5 Things to Keep at Main Door According to Vastu for Prosperity

Last Updated: December 23, 2022, 18:33 IST

The most desirable position of the main door is when the access is directly from the main gate.

Garlands are believed to be the symbol of love, respect, devotion and purity.

The science of Vastu adds importance to one’s life and brings peace and prosperity. As we are about to enter 2023, here are a few tips from Pandit Krishna Kant Sharma, Vastu expert, you can follow for good luck to follow in the new year.

The main door of the building

The position and the quality of the door can affect a person’s life. The most desirable position of the main door is when the access is directly from the main gate. If direct entry from the gate is not feasible, then a clockwise entry/entry from the right side of the main gate is advised.

However, an anticlockwise entry/entry from the left side to the main door from the main gate must be strictly avoided.

Tulsi plant

The Tulsi plant can help people attain happiness and peace of mind. It is essential to make sure the space is tidy and clean before planting. The plant increases good energy and brings you mental tranquillity by destroying disease and any form of negative energy.


A Kalash brimming with water should be kept in front of the main door as it is considered auspicious. As per mythology, the powers of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh reside in Kalash. When the Kalash is kept during any worship, it is said that the powers of Mother Shakti are there to bless the devotees.

Swastik is important

Making a Swastik at the entrance of the house is considered auspicious, it brings luck and prosperity. Swastik also reduces disease and mourning and increases happiness and prosperity.


Since ancient times, flowers and garlands have played an important role in Hindu tradition. Garlands are believed to be the symbol of love, respect, devotion and purity. Fresh flowers also serve as a powerful medium to appease the deities.

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