5 Things Genius Kids Do And The Average Ones Don’t

Almost every parent feels that their child is the smartest in the world. That is, at least, something that most individuals experience as a result of having children. On the other hand, many have raised some very brilliant children. Parents should be aware of the signs to determine whether or not their children are geniuses.

It can be difficult to determine whether or not a child is extraordinarily brilliant, but there are a few tell-tale indicators that parents should look for if they believe they have a truly gifted child. Here are a few examples.


According to Reader’s Digest, one of the earliest indications that you could be parenting a genius occurs early in a child’s life. Achieving developmental milestones ahead of schedule might indicate that your kid is ready to be challenged.


Child prodigies, like author Roald Dahl’s famed child-genius character Matilda, are ardent readers. Genius children frequently learn to read faster and earlier than other children their age, and they enjoy reading for both purpose and enjoyment. If your child has completed Matilda’s reading list, they might be genius material! Here are some easy strategies to get your child to like reading.


Smart kids are interested in their surroundings, but true geniuses are obsessed with learning the intricacies of how things function. Gifted youngsters may try their parents’ patience with an endless stream of inquiries, from enquiring about every single mammal’s specific dietary patterns to insisting on understanding precisely how the toaster works.

Pattern Recognition

Genius children understand repetition from a young age, but it’s not simply basic colour or form patterns that pique their interest. According to SuperBaby’s Niranjan Reddy, PhD, talented youngsters not only see patterns and forms in games and activities, but they can also see repeated behaviours, activities, and actions more readily than their classmates.


Gifted youngsters may struggle to connect with classmates who have diverse interests and talents. Because the task is too simple for them, bright children may get bored in class and seek out more engaging discourse with older classmates and adults.

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