5 Food Items That Will Help With Constipation During Winters

Dealing with constipation is just as tough as talking about the subject. Constipation normally happens when a person has less than three bowel movements in a week, experiences difficulty in passing stool, or has a hard stool. The condition can be more prevalent in winter than in other seasons. Various factors contribute to why constipation is more common in winter. Such as, during winter, we do not feel thirsty frequently and drink less water. We avoid engaging in physical activities and rely more on caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea to keep us warm. Plus, we tend to consume more warm foods than salads and others.

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Therefore, it becomes significant to modify our diet during winter and include more herbs, fibre, spices and good fat, seasonal fruits and vegetables to it. On the subject, Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar, shared an Instagram post. She wrote, “Constipation is mainly caused due to imbalance (aggravation) of Vata dosha (specifically Apana Vayu). There can be so many reasons for that, including not eating mindfully, excessive intake of dry, cold, spicy, fried and fast food, not drinking enough water, less fibre in food, poor metabolism, disturbed sleep pattern, eating late dinner, sedentary lifestyle, etc.”

Dr Bhavsar also shared solutions to deal with constipation during winter. She suggested eating five food items that will ease constipation. And that’s what we are talking about in this article!


Dates help balance Vata and Pitta, making it an incredible choice for constipation. Plus, this fruit helps with joint pain, anxiety, hyperactivity, low energy, and hair fall. She suggested soaking 2-3 dates in warm water and eating early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds works best on people with excess Vata & Kapha. Take 1 tbsp of the seeds and soak overnight. Then, eat first thing in the morning. Or you can also have it at bedtime with 1 tsp methi powder mixed with warm water.

Cow Ghee

Cow ghee is excellent for boosting metabolism. It helps maintain healthy fat in the body that requires the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, K, and E. She suggested consuming 1 tbsp of ghee with a glass of warm cow milk. It helps ease chronic constipation.


Amla is an excellent laxative that helps with many health concerns, such as hair fall, grey hair, weight loss, and more. If you consume it on an empty stomach every morning, it can have additional benefits. Dr Bhavsar suggested eating 1 tsp amla powder or the juice of 3 fresh amlas early in the morning.

Overnight Soaked Raisins

Having black raisins afre beneficial as they are rich in fibre and will provide bulk to your stool and aid bowel movement. Soak a handful of raisins overnight, which will be easy to digest.

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