450 people die daily due to suicide: Preparation to prevent suicide by deploying doctors in every district

New Delhijust moments ago

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For the first time, the Center has announced a strategy at the national level for the prevention of suicide in the country. The Health Ministry has released the ‘National Suicide Prevention Strategy’. It aims to reduce the death rate by suicide by 10% by the year 2030. For this, time-bound action plan and multi-sectoral cooperation will be increased.

Psychiatrists and psychiatrists will be appointed at the district level to provide suicide prevention services. Effective monitoring mechanism will be put in place within three years. In the next 5 years, suicide prevention services will be started in all the districts from the District Mental Health Program.

Suicide prevention education to be given in 8 years
Outpatient departments will be established in hospitals. Efforts have been made to integrate mental well-being into the National Suicide Prevention Strategy. In the next 8 years, a curriculum related to prevention of suicide will be implemented in all educational institutions.

Guidelines will be developed for responsible media reporting of suicides and restricting access to the means of suicide. A special public awareness program will also be run to prevent suicide. Let us tell you that Madhya Pradesh is the first state, which had announced on September 9, 2022, to prepare a strategy document for suicide prevention.

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