3 youths in car died in accident, one serious: accident due to collision of unknown vehicle on NH-19 in Palwal, deceased from Mathura of UP

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Car accident in Palwal.

Three people of Mathura (UP) were killed and one was seriously injured when Swift car collided with unknown vehicle on National Highway-19 in Palwal, Haryana. After the accident, the nearby villagers blocked the highway by putting the vehicle diagonally. Later, after persuading the villagers, the police got the jam open. The bodies have been kept in the mortuary of the civil hospital for post-mortem. The injured have been referred to Delhi Safdarjung Hospital in critical condition.

car crashed

A Swift car going from Delhi to Agra collided with an unknown vehicle on National Highway No. 19 late on Wednesday night. Police and villagers reached the spot after getting information about the accident. Angry villagers blocked the highway. The police took out four people from the car and sent them to the civil hospital for treatment. It is not known which vehicle the car collided with, as no vehicle was found by the police and villagers on the spot. While the front part of the car was blown up.

The deceased were Vijay and Hyder Ali.

The deceased were Vijay and Hyder Ali.

half hour road jam

On receiving information about the jam on the highway, DSP Yashpal Khatana and DSP Satendra reached the spot along with the police force. Meanwhile, out of the four people who were taken out of the car and sent to the hospital, three were declared brought dead by the doctors. Whereas in view of the critical condition of one, he was referred to Delhi Safdarjung Hospital for treatment. On the persuasion of the police, the villagers opened the jam which took about half an hour.

Identification of injured and two dead

They were identified from the Aadhar cards found in the pockets of the deceased and the injured. The injured has been identified as Satish (32) resident of Goshana (Lakshminagar) of district Mathura (UP). The two deceased have been identified as Vijay (39) and Haider Ali (26) residents of Goshana in district Mathura (UP). One of the deceased could not be identified.

information to relatives

On the basis of the numbers found in the mobile phones received from the dead, the police have informed their families about it. But till the time of writing the news, his family members could not reach the hospital. The dead bodies have been kept in the mortuary. The postmortem will be done after the arrival of the relatives on Thursday.

DSP said – investigation of the accident continues

DSP Yashpal Khatana told that the car was going from Delhi to Mathura. There has been a major accident with a vehicle. It is not yet known how the accident happened. The details of the matter will be known only after the arrival of the relatives of the deceased. On the basis of the Aadhar card and mobile found with the deceased, information has been sent to their families after identifying them. After the accident, the people who were jamming on the highway, after persuading them, the jam has been opened.

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