3 women died due to being buried under the soil in Gurugram: Was engaged in digging of johad under MNREGA; 5 others in critical condition

Gurugram5 minutes ago

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A painful accident took place on Tuesday in Pataudi, Gurugram, Haryana. While digging the soil of Johad, a large mound of soil collapsed. Due to being buried under this soil, 3 women died painfully. Several other women have been admitted to the hospital in Gurugram with injuries. The police administration is running the rescue operation.

According to preliminary information, the work of digging soil of Johad was going on under MNREGA in Darrapur police station area of ​​village Pataudi. 8 women were doing this excavation work that suddenly an earthen mound collapsed. All the eight women were badly injured by being buried under the soil. There was a stir on the spot after the incident.

The woman was brought to the hospital in Gurugram.

The woman was brought to the hospital in Gurugram.

In a hurry, all the women were admitted to the private hospital in Pataudi. Where 3 women died during treatment. At present, 3 women have been referred from Pataudi Hospital and admitted to the Government Hospital in Gurugram. Two women are being treated in Pataudi itself. The condition of the five women remains critical. According to sources, women named Billo, Kola and Priyanka are among the women who died.

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