3 Punjabi drug smugglers arrested in Canada: 2.5 million dollars intoxicated caught, 2 were going to supply with accomplices

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  • Canada Peel Regional Police Nabbed Five Drug Smugglers, Three Punjabis Out Of Five, Drugs Worth 2.5 Million Dollars Seized

JalandharOne hour ago

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Police officers giving information about the drugs caught in Canada and about it

Drugs, weapons and gangsterism which is going on in Punjab, Punjabis have started the same game in foreign soil Canada. Recently, the Canadian government released a list of gangsters who have lived in their country. Which the Canadian government is going to deport from there soon. Now a huge amount of drugs have been seized from Punjabis in Canada. These drugs have been caught by Peel Regional Police in Canada.

Drug smugglers caught by Canadian Police, three of them are Punjabi.

Drug smugglers caught by Canadian Police, three of them are Punjabi.

Peel regional police officials have said that five people have been arrested with drugs. Three of them are Punjabi. Drugs worth 2.5 million dollars have been seized from their possession. He was doing drug business here for a long time. The police had received information that a huge consignment of drugs was going to be supplied. Taking immediate action, Peel police raided and arrested five people with drugs.

The consignment of drugs that used to go by transport was caught

The consignment of drugs that used to go by transport was caught

Officials of the Peel Regional Police of Canada said that the Punjabis who were caught have been identified as Gurpreet Singh Gakhal, 38, Jaspreet Singh, 28 and Rajinder Singh Boparai, 27. Apart from these, two more people who have been arrested are Khalilullah Amin of Pakistani origin and Ray Ip, a citizen of Chinese origin.

Caught drugs.

Caught drugs.

Business was going on through transport
Nick Milovich, Deputy Chief of Peel Police, told that this is the largest consignment of drugs in the history of the Peel area to date, which the police have caught. He told that this business was going on through transport. Drug traffickers have been caught in the border area with the help of US police with such a huge consignment of drugs.

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