3-day-old girl murdered in Mohali: Mother buried alive, suspected of being born of witchcraft

Mohali3 minutes ago

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In Mohali, Punjab, the mother herself killed her 3-day-old baby girl. The mother buried the child alive. When the information was received about this, the police reached the spot. After which the newborn girl was taken out by digging a pit. After which he was taken to the hospital. From where he was referred to PGI Chandigarh.

On reaching there, the doctors declared the girl dead. In the initial investigation, it is being said that the woman was a victim of depression. He suspected that this daughter was born of witchcraft.

Gave birth to daughter on Friday
According to the police, Anita Rani, a resident of village Karora, gave birth to a girl child on Friday. After this the whole family was happy. Anita was at home with the child. Whereas husband Rajkumar went to work. The husband of the accused works as a painter. He already has two boys. Their age is about 14 years and five years.

When the husband returned home, the child was not found.
According to husband Rajkumar, when he returned home from his work, he did not see the baby girl. He asked wife Anita but she was not giving any answer. Because of which he informed the police.

Police found out after questioning
After this, the police strictly questioned the woman, then she herself went and pulled the girl out of the pit. After which the police immediately took him to Sector 16 Hospital. There the doctors saw the critical condition and sent him to PGI. However, by then the girl had died.

Mental illness was treated in 2014
According to the police investigation, the accused woman was suffering from depression. About 9 years ago in 2014, he has also been treated for depression from a private hospital in Sector-17. However, suddenly he left the treatment midway. After which his illness went on increasing.

Mother used to tell the girl that she was born of witchcraft
Rajkumar, the girl’s father, said that there was some confusion going on in Anita’s mind ever since the girl was born. She often used to say that she did not give birth to this child. Due to some witchcraft it came into her womb. Kulwant Singh, in-charge of police station Nayagaon, said that the police is investigating in this regard.

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