25 quintals of garbage dumped by pilgrims from Kedarnath cleared after Modi’s strong message

The journey to Chardham has started. And in the middle of this pilgrimage, a lot of rubbish has been seen on the way to Kedarnath. Pilgrims can be seen lying on many dirty areas, starting with packets of chips left behind. After that the Prime Minister of the country Narendra Modi gave a strong message. Due to the message of the Prime Minister, 25 quintals of garbage left by the pilgrims was cleaned on this day.

Due to the outbreak of Corona in the last two years, the normal rhythm of the pilgrimage was lost. Since the beginning of the Chardham Jatra in 2022, millions of fans have been gathering. The Uttarakhand government has had to deal with the crisis. Unprecedented crowds have been seen this year. Meanwhile, environmentalists are expressing concern over the crowds and garbage dumped by pilgrims in Kedarnath in the Himalayas. Many things, including many discarded plastic packets, fall into the rivers of the area, obstructing their movement. The environment of the Himalayas is being polluted. Gyanbapi entered the mosque and demanded Shiva worship! The police stopped the monk in Kashi

Meanwhile, on May 30, the Prime Minister raised the issue of uncleanliness. He said that the pilgrims should keep the pilgrimage area of ​​Chardham clean. Then a non-profit organization called Sulabh International took action on the issue of cleanliness. Many pilgrims also joined hands with them. Together they cleaned the area of ​​Kedarnath Dham. Meanwhile, along with this cleaning step, various medical check-ups are going on around the pilgrims. The Uttarakhand administration has also sent notices to those who have set up shop next to the shrine without food licenses. There are also restrictions on the sale of food.