2 sarpanch in a village of Haryana! created a ruckus

Narnaul4 hours ago

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In the Panchayat elections held in Narnaul, Haryana, a dispute has arisen in Gaondi Jat village due to a mistake of the presiding officer. Here after the result of the election, two people were given the certificate of victory on the post of Sarpanch. Now both the people claim that they have become sarpanch by winning the election. When the administration realized the mistake, asked for the certificate back from the lost candidate, but he refused to give it.

The losing candidate also celebrated the victory
Under the elections of Panchayati Raj Institutions, the elections of Panch Sarpanch were completed in the area on Wednesday. After the completion of the elections, the winning Panches and Sarpanches at the polling booths were given victory certificates on behalf of the presiding officers of the polling parties present there. In village Gaondi Jat, the presiding officer accidentally gave the certificate to the first defeated sarpanch Vijay Singh. After which he also celebrated.

The certificate of victory was given to the lost candidate Vijay Singh.

The certificate of victory was given to the lost candidate Vijay Singh.

Surendra won by 203 votes
When the presiding officer realized this, he asked for the certificate back from Vijay Singh, but Vijay Singh, declaring himself as the winner, refused to give the certificate. After this, Surendra Singh, who won by 203 votes, said that he has won. So they should get the certificate. On which the presiding officer also gave a certificate of victory to Surendra Singh.

Surendra Singh, who won the election, was later declared Sarpanch by giving a certificate of victory.

Surendra Singh, who won the election, was later declared Sarpanch by giving a certificate of victory.

DC said – if anyone doubts, ready to count again
In such a situation, now it remains a matter of discussion in the surrounding area of ​​the village. The same people say that if a mistake has been made then it can be rectified and if anyone has any doubts, the counting of votes can be done again. In this regard, District Election Officer and DC Dr. Jai Krishna Abheer says that human error can happen from anyone. They will accept the report of the presiding officer there as correct. The winning candidate on the basis of the same will be considered as Sarpanch.

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