15 people arrested in overnight West Bank raid – IDF

In a series of coordinated overnight operations, the IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police apprehended 15 wanted people across the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, according to an IDF statement.

The bulk of the arrests took place in Hebron and surrounding towns such as Ouja , Idna, Bil’in, Salem, Kobar, and Hizma. Forces were met with resistance in Kalkilya, where they were met with stones. The forces responded by deploying riot control measures. In the town of El-Bireh, disturbances escalated to violent confrontations, prompting security forces to employ riot dispersal tactics once again.

In another incident in the Abu Shkheidim village, after the arrest of a suspect, Molotov cocktails were thrown at the troops. The security forces retaliated with riot control methods to maintain order. Tensions also flared in the Balata refugee camp where an arrest was made. Armed individuals took shots at the operating forces, leading to the deployment of a Me’oz drone that targeted identified shooters. 

Beyond the arrest of two individuals in Halhul, the forces discovered and seized an M-16 rifle, multiple magazines, bullets, weapon components, and military gear. The forces were met with stones and bricks thrown at the military vehicles, causing damage. Meanwhile, in the Tubas village, security forces came under direct gunfire.

An isolated incident also occurred near the Psagot settlement in the Binyamin region. Assailants hurled Molotov cocktails at a military position. In response, a unit from the 636 Battalion identified and fired at the perpetrators, wounding two. No injuries among the Israeli forces were reported.