13 luxury cars were lost in the flash floods, VIDEO: The families of Indore were celebrating a picnic on the banks of the river in Badwah; Seeing the flood coming, ran away leaving the goods

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13 luxury cars were submerged in flash floods in Katkoot river near Barwah in Khargone district. Three of these cars were swept away and went ahead. In fact, some families from Indore were having a picnic on the banks when the water in the river was low. Some were eating on a table chair, while some were driving the car in the empty river. Then suddenly the water level in the river increased. The sudden floods did not give them a chance to recover. Everyone ran away leaving their belongings in the river. Their cars and belongings were washed away like straw in the strong current of water.

The incident happened around 3.30 pm on Sunday. On receiving information about the incident, a crowd of villagers gathered at the spot. The villagers helped these people. With the help of tractor and ropes, the cars stuck in the river were pulled out. The good thing is that everyone is safe.

Cars drowned due to rising water level in the river. However, the occupants of the car are safe.

Balwara TI SR Chauhan told that since morning the people of Indore had come here to party with women and children. During this, suddenly the water in the river increased from the upper area. People didn’t get a chance to take out the car. 3 cars have been washed away. So far 4 vehicles have been removed. Efforts are on to get 6 vehicles out.

The villagers pulled out the vehicles stuck in the flood with the help of ropes and tractors.

The villagers pulled out the vehicles stuck in the flood with the help of ropes and tractors.

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