100% Hindi speaking, going to become a village in Kerala: People said – the language is learning to connect with other states, officially imposing Hindi is not tolerated

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  • Hindi Language Protest; Kerala Village To Become 100% Hindi Literacy By 26 January 2023 | Kozhikode News

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There is a long history of opposition to Hindi language in South India, but here all the people of a village are learning Hindi. By 26 January 2023, Chelanur village in Kozhikode district of Kerala will be officially 100 percent Hindi literate. According to the villagers, they are learning Hindi to connect with other states. If Hindi is imposed on us officially, we will oppose it. The picture comes at a time when South Indian states are accusing the central government of allegedly imposing Hindi. Kerala and Tamil Nadu are talking about every possible anti-Hindi protest. At the same time, former Karnataka CM HD Kumaraswamy is accusing the Center of strangling Kannada. Chelanur Gram Panchayat President PP Nausheer says that a large number of Hindi speakers work around the village. To interact with them, the Gram Panchayat has started a campaign to teach Hindi to every person in the village. The people of the village are learning Hindi together by eliminating religious and political distance. The Panchayat is running about 50 classes in schools, sports clubs, libraries and even in people’s homes to teach Hindi. This campaign was started for people of 20 to 70 years, but now people of all ages have joined it. Sashikumar, the convener of the campaign, said that 15,897 people in the panchayat could not speak Hindi. Of these, 9,618 could not read Hindi, while 9,597 could not write Hindi. Hindi teachers prepared course material for the people of the village. Classes are going on from August 15 in all 21 wards, in which 7 thousand people are learning Hindi. Villagers who are learning Hindi say that they have to go outside the state for religious tours. For this it is necessary to know Hindi language.

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